NKD guidelines for members participating on political campaigns

New Kings Democrats is committed to supporting participation, transparency, and democracy in electoral politics. We strongly encourage members to participate in campaigns, up to and including running for office themselves. Members are always free to ask each other, or members of the Executive Committee, for advice and support, as well as for the contact information of elected officials and leaders of other clubs.

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June 25 Judicial Elections: NKD’s Explainer and Voter Guide

With judicial elections around the corner, NKD thought it was important to shed some light on who’s on the ballot and how they got there. To that end, we’ve prepared two documents that we hope will help you make your decisions on June 25:

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Q&A with Party Chair Frank Seddio

At our March general meeting, held at Bushwick’s Mayday Space, we welcomed the Chair of the Kings County Democratic Party, Frank Seddio. Chairman Seddio is also the male District Leader (DL) for the 59th Assembly District (AD), which mostly consists of Canarsie.

We filmed most of the conversation between Chairman Seddio and NKD President Brandon West. A summary and links to videos of the convo follow!

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