
One of the major ways New Kings Democrats works to bring transparency and accountability to the Brooklyn Democratic Party is by raising awareness of and supporting candidates who share these values.

Here, you can find information about NKD’s endorsement process and recent endorsements, as well as questionnaires submitted by past candidates and voter guides we have put together to highlight their ideas and beliefs.

NKD guidelines for members participating on political campaigns

We're committed to supporting participation, transparency, and democracy in electoral politics. We strongly encourage members to participate in campaigns, up to and including running for office themselves. Members are always free to ask each other, or members of the Executive Committee, for advice and support, as well as for the contact information of elected officials and leaders of other clubs.

However, we always lead with our values. As such, we've established some boundaries when political work involves candidates who have not been endorsed by the club.

  • The club's official resources should not be brought to bear on a campaign unless the club's membership has voted for an endorsement. This is particularly important for members of the Executive Committee, since they often represent the club.
  • NKD members who are running for office or staffing campaigns that have not been endorsed by the club should not use NKD meetings with elected officials, candidates, or partner organizations to communicate about the campaign
  • Campaign-related meetings or events should not be placed on NKD calendars 
  • Campaign teams should refrain from using NKD slack channels for internal campaign communications 
  • Non- or not-yet-endorsed campaigns should not have access to such NKD resources as NationBuilder-stored data or money
  • NKD members staffing campaigns should not participate in the endorsement process for that specific race 

If and when NKD endorses a candidate, the club’s standard endorsement process and outcomes apply, including NKD providing resources like money or volunteers to the campaign.

NKD Guidance for members of Executive Committee about political campaigns:

To avoid perceived or real conflicts of interest, and in the interest of their capacity, members of the New Kings Democrats Executive Committee should not be active members of a political campaign.

(Please note that the New York City Campaign Finance Board has specifically indicated that it may be a violation of local campaign finance law to hold a position on NKD's Ex Co while simultaneously holding a leadership role on a municipal campaign that has been endorsed by the club.)

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