Proposition 1
On this November's ballot, voters in New York State will have the chance to vote for an amendment to the state constitution which would change the system of redistricting that occurs every ten years. While NKD has not (yet) taken a position on this proposal, we believe strongly in the ultimate goal of a fair, independent redistricting system.
The text of the proposal can be found here.
On Tuesday September 30, we were visited by speakers advocating both sides.
presented by Rachael Fauss from Citizens Union
One-page summary
More information at Vote Yes for Progress
presented by Jesse Laymon from the No Prop 1 NY
One-page summary
More information at No Prop 1 NY
Get Out the Vote!
Albany is a mess, there’s no doubt about it. And NKD is committed to doing our part to change that. The single most important thing we can do is get progressive, community-minded candidates elected to office. It's proven that the most convincing advocate for a candidate is a volunteer. So we need ALL members to pitch in however they can.
Tuesday is Primary Day. Which means NOW IS THE TIME! If you’ve been sitting on the sidelines this summer, this is the moment to change that. And if you’ve been active, then this is the moment to finish big!
How can you help, you ask? Every campaign is organizing a daily and nightly event between now and Tuesday. Let us know which you’d like to get involved with. You can reach out to any candidate's campaign office, or reach out to us and we can put you in touch.
Debbie Medina (for Senate-20) & Nick Rizzo (for Male District Leader-50) — Contact Esteban Duran
Lori Boozer (for Assembly-55) — contact Lacey Tauber
Ceasar Zuniga (for Assembly-51) — contact Alex Low
Rubain Dorancy (for Senate-18) — contact Jason Reischel
Petitioning Season 2014
The last few weeks of petitioning season are here. And we're eager to get out there and support our terrific candidates.
Take a look at the following events, and choose the ones that work best for you. If you need more options, don't hesitate to let us know! There's plenty of important work to be done to continue the transformation of Brooklyn politics, and the most important person making that happen is you.
6:30 pm
Petition for Lori Boozer and Debbie Medina
The districts of these two amazing candidates share a small number of overlapping blocks. And NKD plans to own that territory! Round 1!
6 pm
Fundraiser for Rubain Dorancy
Join us for a fun night in Prospect Heights!
Petition for Lori Boozer and Debbie Medina
Round 2!
Petition for Rubain Dorancy and Ceasar Zuñiga
Sunset Park is lucky to have both of these candidates, and we'll be out in force to get them on the ballot.
Petition for Nick Rizzo and GOTV for Nydia Velàzquez
Two for one! 346 Bedford Ave (between S. 3rd and S. 4th Sts.)
All day
Primary election day for Nydia Velàzquez
Let's help reelect our congresista favorita!