Face to Face vs Facebook


Why should I “door knock”?

  • Face-to-face contact is the single most effective tactic for local political campaigns.
  • It’s a great way to get more comfortable meeting and talking to new people.
  • You’ll help build a presence in the community based on authenticity and personalized messaging.
  • Chances are, many of the people you’ll talk to are looking for ways to get involved politically and make their voices heard. You get to be there to listen.
  • It’s a lot more fun than sitting home alone posting articles to Facebook!


Best practices when door knocking

  • Create a comfortable environment 
    • After knocking on the door, take a couple of steps back to help put the person answering the door at ease.
    • Introduce yourself first—let the person answering the door know who you are before you start asking questions.
  • Have a rap ready: who you are, what campaign you are from, and what you are asking the voter to do. 
  • Know your stuff. Be ready and able to briefly answer why you are out petitioning for/canvassing for this particular candidate.
  • Be yourself! A simple conversation will make a bigger impression than a scripted monologue.
  • Take a buddy with you—it’s more safe and more fun.
  • Smile, be kind, thank them for their time, and wish them a nice day.
  • Have a system for quickly and easily taking any necessary notes.
  • Have a charged phone and keep it on vibrate.
  • ‘No soliciting’ signs are nothing to worry about. We aren’t trying to sell anything. Just like with every house, use your best judgement when deciding whether to knock. If anything makes you uncomfortable, skip it!
  • Remind people that they can sign as many petitions as they like. If they’ve already signed for another candidate or cause, there’s nothing stopping them from signing your petition right now.
  • Don’t leave literature on the mailbox (it’s illegal).


Self care when door knocking

  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Identify a restroom you can use in the area (gas station, diner, store, etc.)
  • Do not take it personally when someone is either not interested or disagrees, and do not argue, simply be polite and move on
  • Don’t judge yourself (or others) or hold yourself to an unrealistic standard. It is great that you are taking time out of your busy life to knock on doors! Even a few doors is an important contribution.
  • Always remember that you are doing essential work to bring change, support progressives, and improve Brooklyn!
  • If you feel unsafe at any point, it’s okay to skip a house, take a break, or stop


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