NKD's next General Meeting is happening next Thursday, June 10, at 7:00pm. Please register here to join us on Zoom. All are welcome, and as usual we'll have an orientation for new members starting at 6:30pm at the same Zoom link. Closed captions and ASL interpretation will be available. Here's a quick summary of the agenda—hope you can join us and invite a friend!
Senator Chuck Schumer will be joining us at this meeting to answer some questions submitted by our members.
Mayoral race discussion – NKD is not endorsing in the mayoral race, but we're making space at this meeting for our members to share their thoughts and make a pitch for their favorite candidate. You can share your #2 and #3 ranked choices too! Bring your thoughts and your research and join us for a friendly and informative discussion.
Judges and Comptroller – We'll share a voter guide for the Brooklyn judicial races you'll be voting on, and an explainer on what the NYC Comptroller does, courtesy of NKD's Policy Committee.
We'll also talk about ways you can support our endorsed candidates in the final weeks before the June 22 primary. Hope you can join us on June 10!