NKD Endorses Emily Gallagher and Jesse Pierce

NKD is proud to endorse Emily Gallagher for State Assembly in the 50th Assembly District and Jesse Pierce for District Leader in the 52nd Assembly District. Thank you to all NKD members who joined us Sunday, October 6 for this first endorsement vote in the 2020 election cycle.

Emily Gallagher is a fierce and fearless community activist. She has been organizing with her Greenpoint neighbors for tenant protections, environmental justice, and rights for survivors of sexual abuse and harassment for over a decade. She is clearly committed to reforming the Brooklyn Democratic Party, and the Party is changing precisely thanks to the work of advocates like her. Emily never hesitates to speak truth to power, even when it's risky. We can be a powerful force working together to keep moving the Party and the district forward.

Jesse Pierce is a gate-opener in a world full of gatekeepers, and is poised to make Brooklyn politics work for everyday Brooklynites. District Leaders have a unique opportunity—and, in NKD’s view, a responsibility—to work to make the Brooklyn Democratic Party more transparent, accountable, and inclusive, and in this regard, Jesse has walked the walk. She has demonstrated her values in her campaign, building civic and political awareness raising into her canvasses and thoughtfully engaging communities traditionally underrepresented in political spaces.

What's next?

At our November 7 general meeting, we'll hold endorsement votes for Female District Leader in the 50th Assembly District as well as Assembly in the 51st and 54th Assembly Districts. Keep an eye on our Upcoming Elections page for questionnaires from the candidates.

We need your help interviewing the candidates for these positions. Email [email protected] to get involved in the candidate interview process—we have several on the calendar over the next few weeks and want to see you there! These are small group settings where you can ask questions of the candidates we'll hear from at the November meeting.

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