Brooklyn Can't Wait Holiday Party Dec. 17
Join NKD and other supporters for a Brooklyn Can't Wait holiday party! Meet Brooklyn Can't Wait District Leaders and friends who believe in a better local Democratic Party!
Saturday, December 17
6:00 - 10:00 PM
635 Sackett Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217
All funds from this event go directly to Brooklyn Can't Wait, and will help reform candidates for the 2024 cycle hire support staff, send mailers, and reach voters in their district. Face masks are strongly encouraged.
General Meeting December 8
On Thursday, December 8th, at 7:00pm, join us for NKD's monthly General Meeting. All are welcome, in person at the First Unitarian Chapel in Brooklyn Heights or on Zoom. Register here for details.
We'll hold elections for NKD's Executive Committee, update you on organizing to remove Jay Jacobs and plans for Brooklyn Can't Wait, and set aside some time for your ideas and questions.
Time for new leadership of the NY Dems
This November, Democrats in New York lost many close races to Republicans, and these losses may have cost our party the US House. Our state party did little to support Democrats in close races. NKD members voted to join many party leaders and elected officials in signing this letter calling for the resignation of Jay Jacobs, Chair of the NY Dems.
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